I wiped the glare from my eyes, as she sat on the side of the bed, in her hand was an object, revealing the skull of a man's head. I paused to speak; the fear did begin to creep down my spine to the tips of my feet.
Remembering how she joked of killing her prey, with the skills of a black widow, in her passionate love play. I was lying on my back staring at the ceiling, as her tongue creased the curves of my stomach, her touch was of sexual healing.
Her eyes were cold and deep with care, as I reached out to touch of her silky black hair. She pushed me back down on my back, climbing upon me as a lioness preparing to attack, my heart pounding to a similar pack with this queen from hell, this I must tell, for her fragrance was of a spell binding smell, and still those eyes, those eyes upon me they fell down into my soul. For as she spoke, I did obey, to her every command I was her slave of ecstasy's array.
She started to remove her black blouse slowly as she wiggled upon me, in a childish but sexy way. My manhood was on a rise, as if it had a mind of it's own, for in my heart was fear, of this lady in black who continued to draw near.
She whispered, "I won’t hurt you, unless you want me to?" I thought to my self, what am I to do? "Can I touch them?" The words slipped pass my lips, referring to her now exposed, perfectly round and firm breast, with the pointy tips.
White suckles like carnation milk, waiting to be engulfed by my watering mouth. Placing her hand behind my head, she leaned forward as to nourish me as a baby being fed, with milk. As my mouth began to fill with her juices running down my chin, I thought to myself, she must be an angel, fallen from heaven or one up from hell, because this must be a sin?
She lowered my head so gentle back to the bed, as the room began to spin slowly as I encountered flashes of red. She climbed down to stand at the side of the bed, smiling with those eyes, she softly said, "I want your body, your soul you may keep", "when we finish making love, you will fall into a deep sleep". "If you awaken, your life you were allowed to keep, now close your eyes and try not to peek".
Fuck this, I thought as I tried to move, but my body was numb to my command, what must I do? The milk from her breast were as laced with cocaine, I had no control of my soul, nor my brain, seems as if nothing remain. She moved to a tune, that only she could hear, as she removed the rest of her clothes, oh my dear. This Goddess was so fine that I began to shake, trying to reach out to touch what only God could make. That’s when I realized that all of my body wasn’t incapacitated, as the bulge below began to get eradicated. She leaned over me, bending at the waist and kissed the helmet shaped head so infatuated. That my eyes began to roll back in my head, like I was totally debilitated, from the milky delight, that I suckled from her nipples.
As her lips parted, to slide down the shaft of my enormous tool, I noticed that she had pulled up a stepping stool. To help her adjust for an even stroke, as she tried to engulf the fullness and began to choke. The plunging of her head, in harmony with her sway, brought a smile to my face, as the brightness of a sunny day. She sucked so gently with rhyme that encases all time, as my heartbeat quickened my fluid entwine to that helmet of mine.
Like the gust of an oil well, my cream did cum; filling her entire mouth flowing out was some. Down her chin, dropping to my pubic hair, her pumping so frantic as if she didn’t even care, that she was sucking the life right out of me, if I were able to move, I wonder if I would flee?
The sucking sound had stopped, everything ceased to be, and she wiped her chin clean and stared eagerly at me. "Are you still in the land of the living?" Her words soft toned to my ears. This is only the beginning of a journey worth giving.
Being the poet that I am, I don’t understand why I hadn’t caught on to her plan, to seduce the man who she had entrapped in her hand, like the skull of those before. The spider sucks the life from its mate, as she has done to me. One more round of that and my life is through. So let me think fast, if I’m going to last, through this night of sexual bliss, until daybreak comes with a new morning mist.
Come here I requested, sit across here as for me to taste, with your long sexy legs spread wide, knees on each side, and your hidden valley above my face. The words flowed smoothly as my mind began to unwind, my thoughts so divine, for this Goddess was so fine. When she was in place, for me to lick her in that place, that would cause her to embrace with those silky thighs, the side of my face. My tongue crossed over her clit back and forth until she moaned "Oh Shit", "This is it", "don’t stop". Her hips began to dip, up and down. As my skillful tongue slid in and out of her pussy so wet, I would bet that she had came at least three times already. The sweet taste of her love juice, had a spell-binding cause, that made me pause and then just locked my lips over the entrance of her mounds, rapidly inserting my tongue into her hole, like a miner drilling for gold. The movement of her pump slowed down and increased again, as my lips held on, as releasing was a sin. Her honey pot rewarded me with honey for days, her cries for me to stop, ignited a blaze in my mouth as I felt the weight of her limp body down upon my face, my how sweet her pussy did taste.
She pulled herself up and stood at the side of the bed; silent for a moment she soon began to speak.
"You have earned a second chance to live this day, but when you leave this place, come not back this way". "For my venom is deadly like a scorpion upon its prey, when you awaken, you must leave have nothing to say". She stood over me and looked deep into my eyes, as I felt my soul leaving this body my eyes closed slowly.
I wiped the glare from my eyes, as she sat on the side of the bed, in her hand was an object, revealing the skull of a man’s head. I paused to speak; the fear did begin to creep down my spine to the tips of my feet. Then I remembered her words
"when you awaken, you must leave have nothing to say". But that skull in her hands, some poor fellow didn’t know the power of giving good head.
Unpublished work
Copyright © 2008 by Gregory L. Ransom
Aka: Poet Master