The first images of the night, underneath an overpass, empty streets going from North to South, East to West. All around us there is a buzz of life, nothing chaotic or loud, but a buzz of people living...completely seperate lives, but in a sense a whole.

We continue on our way, making slow movements towards a familiar parking garage. Scaling up towards the very top, adjacent to apartment buildings and empty warehouses. It's so quiet at the top, looking over the edge for reassurance of Life. The crisp winter air chills you to the bones, prepping the camera, setting up the tripod...going over in your head the feel, the shot, the photo you hope to obtain.

Defeaning silence, only the whisper of the shutter....open, close, open, close. Moving your fingers over the various buttons and knobs, tweaking the settings just enough...seeking perfection, yearning for something worthy of a few acknowledgements. The air is clear, no clouds, no signs of rain, just dark blue and black sky falling endlessly over city rooftops.

Snap, snap, snap. Click, click, click. Moving from one surface to another, making out one angle from another. Picking up the tripod, setting down the tripod. Only viewing the first few shots to make sure that the lighting is sufficient, not wanting to spoil the gems you have hidden away in your camera so far. Reflections, shadows, washes of color flowing, bouncing over one another...taking in everything, for a few brief moments tonight is our canvas.

In the distance there is the sound of ambulances and traffic steadily drifting from one end of the city to the other, here ontop of the town we claim our piece of the sky. The brilliant oranges and shades of red, mixed with florescent hues and black undertones. The boys busy searching for places to go, chatting about exposure time and lenses...all the while I sit and make silly videos on my phone, enjoying the company of my best and the feel of warm air flowing from the vents in the Impreza.

This is what it's all about, spending time with people you care for, making use of the time you have together...whether it's being scene at "the spot" or taking pictures on a rooftop, time spent in good company is never time wasted.

As the night winds down and the air grows colder, we walk to the edge of the building and peer down at the people and things below. However distant it seems, our time up here is coming to an end. Finishing up with the camera, placing lenses and the tripod back into the car, a final sigh is shared. Through all the ups and downs, our need to escape the everyday hustle is satisfied with moments spent ontop of our own little world.

The last glimpses through the lense, the last push of a fingertip, bringing the perfect end to a peaceful day...worries slowly fading into oblivion, busy schedules vanishing into the thin night air. One day at a time, only taking on one day at a time.

Vanishing into the underbelly of the garage, we barely leave any remnants of an evening spent...chatting, laughing, warm smiles exchanged, snuggled together as we looked upon a city asleep.

While most of the world slumbered in dreamland, we made our own memories up on a desolate rooftop...filling in the blanks as we went along. Cherishing each other, cherishing downtime. I love this night, I love these people. I love whatever it is that seperates us and brings us together. The old familiar and the new wonderment. Taking refuge in simplicity.

I have so much fun with my best, I wouldn't trade anything for the times we've had
<3 xo